FR. 260 – 1886 $5 Silver Certificate PMG








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Fr. 260. 1886 $5 Silver Certificate PMG 65 EPQ – GU

The 1886 $5 Silver Certificate is a notable piece of American currency, distinguished by its intricate design and historical significance. On the front, the note features a stunning portrait of  Ulysses S. Grant, a commanding general who led the Union Army to victory in the American Civil War, framed by ornate scrollwork and floral motifs. The words “Silver Certificate” and “Five Dollars” prominently display the denomination, along with the red seal and signature of the Treasury official. The back showcases intricate patterns with Silver Certificate and the United States printed on it along with the head of Liberty, symbolizing the government’s promise to pay the holder in silver. This PMG 65 EPQ (Exceptional Paper Quality) grade reflects its excellent condition and desirability among collectors.

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